Wednesday 27 January 2016

Evaluation Q3

I used survey monkey to gain audience feedback by creating questions and giving the survey to people as they view the video, this helped me to gather information and constructive feedback for our real media product as well as ancillary texts. I also asked a focus group some questions about our music video, website and digipak. 

Our music video was aimed at 16-22 year olds due to the use of explicit language in our chosen song. We decided that we would target the male audience before the female as typically the rap genre is enjoyed more by a larger male audience. 

I have created some profiles of our target audience which are mostly primary but also contain some secondary and tertiary audience that we aim to reach. 

Music Video First Draft Feedback: 

We showed our first draft music video to peers in order to receive a variety of feedback so that we were able to see whether the general concept and conventions of the video worked. We got a range of feedback from both male and female, predominantly in the age range of 16-18. Below is the most constructive feedback we received from our audience when we showed them the first draft of our music video. 

Digipak First Draft:

We also showed our first draft digipak to peers in order to gain some feedback as to how we could improve but also what aspects they liked. The marks out of 10 that we were given are below:

  • level 3 - 8 marks
  • level 3 - 8 marks 
  • level 2 - 6 marks
  • level 3 - 8 marks
  • level 3- 7 marks 
  • level 2 - 4 marks 
  • level 2 - 5 marks 
  • level 2 - 6 marks 





To act on the feedback that we received we decided to make some changes to our digipak to improve it. 

We added a lyric sheet but tried to make sure it wasn't too text heavy as this would be distracting and boring to look at. We added an image of iSO and blacked it out to match our galaxy theme. We also reduced the lyrics on the sheet so it wasn't overwhelming to read. This will replace one of the DNA strands.

We moved the special thanks up one square on the grid so it is on the back of the digipak as we felt this was an appropriate layout. 

Website First Draft:

We received some constructive feedback on our website as to what we can do to improve it and what people thought worked well with it. There was a mixed opinion as to the over outcome of what everyone thought of our website. Our scores were:

  • 5
  • 7
  • 9
  • 8
  • 7

    In order to improve our website we have taken these comments into consideration and have tried to improve the website in general but also in specific places that were mentioned as feedback. 

    Firstly, we changed the store icon from red to white as it fits in a lot better with the black and white background, being a continuous theme throughout the digipak and website. This was only a small detail that our group didn't think about but was largely recognised by our peers. 

    We then changed the layour of the about page completely and added a link to instagram, a description of iSO and the record label as people were confused as to iSO and the Real Proviso Records, which is iSO's record label. We added some other content to this page as people said it was too basic and short so they didn't have enough of an understanding as to who iSO was and his background. 

    James added the link to iSO's twitter page and instagram page and put them in a visible place of each page on the website to maintain consistency. This also makes it easily accessible for anyone navigating around the website by being able to view his social media at any time. 

    Online Survey: 

    I created a survey online so that I could address a larger audience and gather wide range of opinions. 

    These were the results we gathered from the online survey. We were able to see that we had a balance between male and female and our primary age group answering this survey was 17-21 year olds. 

    Questionnaire for audience feedback on music video: 

    Below is 4 male and female members that have watched my music video and then given me a response face to face. I asked a variety of questions as to what they liked and what they thought we could improve on. It gave us vital feedback as they gave honest answers which helped us to relate back to our target audience deciding if we targeted everything correctly. 


    Survey for Digipak and Website: 

    I created a short survey which enabled me to get some concise feedback as to what scores people thought our digipak and website would achieve. It enabled me to see what they thought about the layout, content, text, images and merchandise.