We received some constructive feedback on our website as to what we can do to improve it and what people thought worked well with it. There was a mixed opinion as to the overall outcome of what everyone thought of of the website.
Our scores were:
- 5
- 7
- 9
- 8
- 7
- good information
- news page (very good detail) + about page is good
- matches the digipak
- good colours
- background links with the album with the galaxy and the colour scheme
- the links at the top of the page look good and professional like the logo
- pages themselves look good, shows the artists themes and how he is represented well
- merchandise looks really professional and matches the theme throughout
- the contact page looks really good with the pin on the record company
- there is a visible theme and the genre is apparent
- there are working links
- good layout on the front page and it's good that it points straight to the new album
- I like the way it goes straight to instagram
- like the discount on the store
- map on the contact page is good/ clever and makes it look professional
- website nearing completion, therefore looks professional
- The background is effective with creating the image of iSO because the black and white look is replicated within all products which have realistic prices
- dark background is good as it settles in with the image for his music video as well and the genre he is following
- countdown clock is good
- home page is simple yet effective
Improvements suggested:
- fire logo is too 'cartoony', which doesn't fit his serious image. Same image used for everything makes it look boring
- colours are too dull
- shopping basket colour doesn't fit the colour scheme
- about page doesn't have enough content, too basic, add more information, set pictures out differently to make it more effective to look at
- merchandise is limited, need more with different pictures
- needs more links - twitter & facebook (add to bottom of each page to make it consistent and easily accessible to the audience), tour dates
- There isn't much text
- Only one photo of the artist used throughout the website
- Quality of the 'iso' could be improved
- Could the background move?
- Contact us page is bland
- Information shown could be more about the creation of the song and more detail about the artist rather than a few sentences that give us a slight idea but it is still unclear