Wednesday 13 January 2016

Student Video Marking

For this student music video I would give them 38 out of 40 which would be a Level 4. There was a wide diversity of shots throughout the entire video, whereby they all change from being close ups to wide shots. The audience is left captivated due to this, as it interesting to watch. The camera-work is consistently good and when moving, the shots are stable and are of a good quality. All of the material included in this video, is appropriate to their genre which makes their video make sense to the viewer, leaving them understanding the general theme. The video is clearly edited in chronological order. They chose a concept clearly and carried it on throughout the music video. All of their costumes fit the theme, also matching with each other and they all look like a real band and the genre is shown clearly throughout. The shot transitions are appropriate and fit in time with the music, there are many shots too which keep up with the pace of the video. 

For this student music video I would give them a 30 out of 40 which would be a Level 3. The pace of the editing is too slow for the song in this video, with the shots being too long  and so the viewer loses concentration. However, there is a variety of different interesting locations used throughout our video. There is a variety of shots but they don't look interesting as the main character doesn't move around much, the shots are mostly static which makes the audience lose interest. Her costumes don't look as though they match or suit the genre which makes the video look disjointed and confusing. However, the shots transitions are appropriate and fit to the music video but there just aren't enough. The concept is slightly confusing and not clear and there is no narrative with little performance. At times her lip syncing is out of time so, it's made really obvious to the viewers that she isn't singing.