Sunday 20 September 2015

My Song Suggestions

We have been instructed to select three songs which we personally feel would be good to create a music video for, so later on we can collaborate as a group and discuss which of our selections would be best to create a video for. Below are my three song choices and the reasons I chose them.

Beck - Dreams

I think Beck's "Dreams" would be a great song as it has interesting lyrics which could mean the video could follow a performance/narrative structure. The video's narrative could be about a woman who is sending a guy crazy. The music video would be set in and around a person's daily life, showing the link between the artist and the woman.

Logic - Buried Alive

I think Logic's "Buried Alive" would be a great song because the lyrics are very illustrative and descriptive. The music video would follow a narrative. The song has a great instrumental with sections with no lyrics which would be perfect to implement different camera shots and inspired editing techniques. The instrumental has a very 'natural' vibe to it which means nature and the beautiful aspects of it could be heavily involved.

20syl - Ongoing Thing feat. Oddisee (CloZinger Remix)

I think CloZinger's remix of 20syl's "Ongoing Thing feat. Oddisee" would be a great song to do because the instrumental incorporates the idea of clocks ticking. The video could involve the idea of time as its main concept. The lyrics in the song also use phrases describing time. Making the video concept clear. The music video could be a narrative about two lovers who want to spend lots of time with each other and are excited by the thought of this.