Friday 18 September 2015

Audience Survey - Analysis, Evaluation and Conclusion


As a group we came up with some questions to ask 32 people in order to find information to help us determine how to target our primary and secondary audiences.

Survey Hypothesis:

From personal experience and stereotyping, I feel as if our primary audience will be a male audience between 16-30 and I feel as if our secondary audience is a female audience between 16-30.

Survey Results:

My survey questions are written below with the results underneath:

Q1) What is your gender?

We asked an equal amount of boys and girls, 16 of each.

Q2) What is your age?

The overwhelming majority of people who answered the survey were between 16-25.

Q3) Do you watch music videos?

The results showed that an overwhelming majority of people watch music videos.
Q4) Do you like music videos which have stories unfolding?

The results showed that more than half of the respondents to the survey preferred a music video which had a narrative, just over a fifth of respondents said that they sometimes like a video with a narrative. 
Q5) Which is your favourite music video genre, in order?

The results from this question revealed that Pop was the most popular category, followed by Dance, closely followed by RnB and Rap music. 
Q6) Do you like to see dancing in a music video?

The results from this question showed that most people like dancing in music videos, but a similar number of people think that it depends what type of music video it is; whether dancing should be involved or not.
Q7) Do you like the artist to feature in the video?

An overwhelming majority stated that they prefer the artist to appear in music videos.
Q8) Colour can be important in a music video. Are you put off if a music video is in...

The majority of voters said that they aren't particularly put off by certain colours in music videos. Sepia however, did cause just over a quarter of survey takers to state their dislike for the colour's use.
Q9) Do you like a music video to have multiple locations or just one?

Over three quarters of survey takers said that they prefer music videos to be shot in multiple locations rather than just one.
Q10) Do you think a music video can detract from the music itself?

Just over 70% of voters said that a music video CAN detract from the music itself.
Q11) If yes, how?

To the voters who answered yes, the majority of people said that they felt that they don't like it when music videos are unrelated to the content of the lyrics/music.
Q12) Has watching a music video ever led you to buying the song?

Just under half of the survey takers said that watching a music video did not make them purchase a song. Half of answers suggested that a music video can influence someone to buy a song. 
Survey Evaluation:

By evaluating my results, I can understand what the viewing public really want and then make educated decisions on my own music video.

Question 1 helped because when added to other information, I could determine what my primary and secondary audiences were.

Question 2 allowed me to further narrow down my primary and secondary audiences.

Question 3 made clear that making a music video was a good idea as the majority of the public watched music video content, with an overwhelming majority of survey takers voting in favour of a music video.

By analysing Question 4, the results indicated that the majority of the viewing public prefers a music video with an unfolding narrative. With this knowledge, I feel as if creating a music video with a narrative would be a good idea.

Through inspecting Question 5's results, I came to the informed evaluation that the top music video categories were as follows: Pop, Dance, RnB, Rap and Indie. Suggesting that any of these categories would be good to create a music video for, helpfully narrowing down the categories to select from.

Question 6 suggested that the viewing public wanted dancers in the music video, with just over 45% of people asking for it. Just over two fifths of survey takers said that sometimes dancing would be relevant in a music video, with just over 15% of survey takers voting suggesting that dancing would be bad in a music video.

Question 7 undoubtedly stated that it would be a good idea to include visuals of the performing artist in my music video, with over three quarters of voters suggesting this.

Question 8 revealed that many people felt that it did not matter what effects were used as long as they were used in relation to the video so that it made sense to use particular colour schemes. One cause for concern was the use of sepia could put off some of the viewing public so perhaps when making my music video I should hold back on the use of sepia tones.

Question 9's results advocated shooting in multiple locations for my music video, with over three quarter of the survey takers suggesting this would be a good idea.

By analysing Question 10, the results showed that over 70% of people thought that a music video could detract from a song. This suggests to me that I have to be careful that my music video does the song justice. Question 11 when paired with this question suggests that people are put off mainly due to videos of an unrelated nature.This suggests to me to use things such as lyrically illustrative imagery in my music video.

Question 12 informed me that if a music video appeals to the viewer, it could lead to people to buy the song itself.

Survey Conclusion:

I have come to the conclusion that my primary audience are a male audience from 16-25 and my secondary audience are a female audience from 16-25. I have also come to the conclusion that my music video should follow a narrative. Through analysing the results of question 5, we have decided to look for songs from the Pop, Dance, RnB, Rap and Indie categories. It is clear that our music video should include some form of dancing or another similar form of performance. When making our music video it's also apparent that the artist should feature throughout. I should possibly avoid using a sepia tone on our footage as my primary and secondary audiences didn't seem to appeal to the use of that particular colour. My music video should be shot in multiple locations with lyrically illustrative imagery throughout. My music video must be engaging to viewers, the artist MUST interact with viewers through their actions and body language.